Matir Asurim: A prayer-poem on reading Parshat Vayetzei

Blessed are you Source of Being Who forbids and permits Opens and closes Binds and sets free Captives and brides. Who permits me to myself, releases me To my desire. I permit. I release. I let go and reclaim my body this sacred vessel this instrument of the divine The House of my soul, myContinue reading “Matir Asurim: A prayer-poem on reading Parshat Vayetzei”

The hidden and the revealed

Parashat Vayera 5783 From the very outset of this week’s parasha, vision and and seeing are important themes. We meet Avraham at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day, where God appears to him –vayera elav. In the following verse we read: Vayisa et einav va-ya’ar v’hineh shlosah anashim nitzavim alav.Continue reading “The hidden and the revealed”

Weaving Between Worlds: Honoring Our Ancestors

Yizkor, Yom Kippur 5783 / October 5, 2022 I recently learned about a traditional practice of Ashkenazi Jewish women – making soul candles. Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, women in Eastern Europe would make candles. Each community had its own practice -sometimes the candles were made for use at home. Other times, they wereContinue reading “Weaving Between Worlds: Honoring Our Ancestors”

A Radical Reclamation of the Right to Rest

Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur 5783 / October 4, 2022 Since the start of the pandemic, like many people, I have spent a lot more time at home. Pandemic. One of the things that I have found joy in is the opportunity this affords for fashion experimentation. Since I know that no one is going toContinue reading “A Radical Reclamation of the Right to Rest”